About Me
- Name: susyrosy
- Location: United Kingdom
The madwoman descends from her attic .. Oh and this one, because it's come true for me: May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
Previous Posts
- Wendy Killoran
- Sunday 20 August
- Sat 19 August
- Hi from Fortune
- Hi from Jack! - making me a bracelet
- Hi from me!
- Friday 18 August
- A little quiz
- Thursday 17 August
- More Weds 16th
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At 2:11 pm ,
Overboard said...
Yay. Brillo.
At 9:33 am ,
Anonymous said...
Just read all the latest entries. You're amazing. Love to you. And love to Jack. From all your family and dog and fish (whose nose infection (?!) has gone).
You're too cool for school.
And thanks so much for so incredibly impressing our friends -it saves us having to do it and so we can just kick back and relax in the flow of appreciation, knowing that we are, in fact, part of it, being part of you as it were.
You're an inspiration.
At 9:35 am ,
Anonymous said...
And Wendy is very cool too isn't she. Very.
At 10:54 pm ,
Michael said...
Thanks to the 'Round the Rock' blog, I've linked onto yours. As a once-upon-a-time sailor I'll look forward to checking in regularly to ready what you're up to. Like Wendy, I'm an avid sea-kayaker these days and just spent 10 days in Newfoundland, a place I will certainly return to.
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