susys running away to sea

"The rigors (sic) of an expeditionary lifestyle"

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Fear of Flying

Phew - here I am in Chile, after a couple of 9 hour flights - London to Miami, Miami to Santiago - plus a 9 hour hang around in lovely Miami airport, where I dossed and dozed alternately. By now, I never want to see another aeroplane, and have yet to unbend from a couple of 90 degree angles.

So, first impressions of Chile - landing in fog, followed by a foggy drive down the main drag, which runs the whole length of the country, then breakfast in a service station (pretty grand place, but foggy again), followed by more fog to Linares. Didn't see much - no Andes - but there are lots and lots and yet more lots of vines, so looking forward to trying the local stuff for local people in it's local place.

I've bought a digital camera, so I shall be posting some pictures soon - good gracious, you say - of fog? No, indeed - rushing rivers, mighty mountains and other alliterative stuff.

See ya!