Wednesday ?19/20 Sept - Wednesday, anyway
Sorry about the dates, folks.
We're in Provincetown, Mass, US. Moored in the harbour. Water taxi not running. Pumped up the dinghy and motored ashore, so that J could have some privacy and peace and quiet to wash the body beautiful without the barking crew whining at him.
After leaving Bah! Harbour, we went to delicious Duck Harbour, on the Isle au Haut, about 35 miles to the west. Got in just before sunset - Ra, the Sun God, in his round red disk, sank from a clear sky into a clear sea, leaving us at anchor and to peace and quiet for the night.
The next morning, we motored to Monhegan Island, again 35 miles or so westward round the Gulf of Maine. With its close neighbour, smaller Manana Island, they have a narrow channel between them with moorings. We picked up a buoy - booee - with a great view of both islands, one inhabited, one not, rising steeply from the sea.
We have a long trip the next day, and the alarm goes at 4.45. Still dark, with the stars and a tiny crescent moon riding high. All it needs is to haul in the line from the buoy, and we're off, the dawn starting to break behind us.
It's 75 miles to our next destination - the Isle of Shoals - really a group of islands, again to the west. It's back to steering hour on hour off, and we approach as the sun is setting again. Where Monhegan was attractive, this, despite Captain Smith extolling its virtues in 1614 as a great place for a new colony, its current architectural style reminded me of Alcatraz. New colony, old boy? Stuck out in the middle of nowhere? Gotta be kidding, mate. A couple of places of interest ashore - which we didnt do - are a headland where a lady got swept to her death out to sea, and a cave where a mother stabbed her 2 crying children, so the indians didnt kill them. Hmm. Rocks and hard places come to mind.
But it's up again at 4.45 for another, now I have to admit tedious stint, this one of 65 miles to Provincetown, reached on Tuesday 19 (I think), yesterday, as the sun is setting. As it's a gay old place, obviously I shall be checking out the girls here.
As I got ashore a couple of hours ago, an elderly couple were walking in front of me. The wife stopped, behind her husband, to light a fag. 'Why do you stop walking, when I'm talking to you?' grizzled the husband, as I passed. 'Because you never listen to me, that's why,' was the terse response. Been married a loooong time. Cracked up.
We're in Provincetown, Mass, US. Moored in the harbour. Water taxi not running. Pumped up the dinghy and motored ashore, so that J could have some privacy and peace and quiet to wash the body beautiful without the barking crew whining at him.
After leaving Bah! Harbour, we went to delicious Duck Harbour, on the Isle au Haut, about 35 miles to the west. Got in just before sunset - Ra, the Sun God, in his round red disk, sank from a clear sky into a clear sea, leaving us at anchor and to peace and quiet for the night.
The next morning, we motored to Monhegan Island, again 35 miles or so westward round the Gulf of Maine. With its close neighbour, smaller Manana Island, they have a narrow channel between them with moorings. We picked up a buoy - booee - with a great view of both islands, one inhabited, one not, rising steeply from the sea.
We have a long trip the next day, and the alarm goes at 4.45. Still dark, with the stars and a tiny crescent moon riding high. All it needs is to haul in the line from the buoy, and we're off, the dawn starting to break behind us.
It's 75 miles to our next destination - the Isle of Shoals - really a group of islands, again to the west. It's back to steering hour on hour off, and we approach as the sun is setting again. Where Monhegan was attractive, this, despite Captain Smith extolling its virtues in 1614 as a great place for a new colony, its current architectural style reminded me of Alcatraz. New colony, old boy? Stuck out in the middle of nowhere? Gotta be kidding, mate. A couple of places of interest ashore - which we didnt do - are a headland where a lady got swept to her death out to sea, and a cave where a mother stabbed her 2 crying children, so the indians didnt kill them. Hmm. Rocks and hard places come to mind.
But it's up again at 4.45 for another, now I have to admit tedious stint, this one of 65 miles to Provincetown, reached on Tuesday 19 (I think), yesterday, as the sun is setting. As it's a gay old place, obviously I shall be checking out the girls here.
As I got ashore a couple of hours ago, an elderly couple were walking in front of me. The wife stopped, behind her husband, to light a fag. 'Why do you stop walking, when I'm talking to you?' grizzled the husband, as I passed. 'Because you never listen to me, that's why,' was the terse response. Been married a loooong time. Cracked up.
At 9:02 am ,
Anonymous said...
'Oh Canada - glorious and Free!'
Now do you understand why I don't go where you are now!
We're off to Alderney first weekend in October. Hope there isn't a north easterly. Lados AGM and all that.
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