Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day, And make me travel forth without my cloak?
(Monday 2 July, public holiday)
All last night the wind howled and the rain fell. In an interval between rain drops the following morning, I crept out and went for a walk. I got as far as the main road, and found Tim Horton's chain of coffee shops open, and went in to shelter and to write up my notes. Blogging here at a friendly Dive Shop.
All last night the wind howled and the rain fell. In an interval between rain drops the following morning, I crept out and went for a walk. I got as far as the main road, and found Tim Horton's chain of coffee shops open, and went in to shelter and to write up my notes. Blogging here at a friendly Dive Shop.
At 3:12 pm ,
Raybelles said...
It just sounds incredible Mum - what a real adventure! And the adventure you've always talked about. You're amazing.
What's all this dive shop business? Call me fair weather but surely it's freezing there?
All my love and luck, and fair winds and following seas, Ray XXXXX
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