About Me
- Name: susyrosy
- Location: United Kingdom
The madwoman descends from her attic .. Oh and this one, because it's come true for me: May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
Previous Posts
- Forty years on.....
- My beautiful eldest granddaughter
- Diamonds are for never
- Chicken Runs
- Poo!
- Saturday - so far
- Whose a lucky girl? Fingers crossed
- Itchy feet
- soirees musicales
- Computers, pah! (2)
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At 9:21 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Suzy
I saw you on Breakfast this morning. You look fantastic. Good for you for going out and getting yourself a terrific life. You deserve it.
With lots of love from your cousin Vanessa (Fatts to you and your siblings)
At 9:26 pm ,
susyrosy said...
Hey - I didn't know you knew about the blog? Was this from Jilly? How's things? Jilly can give you my email - I don't want to put it here...
Love to Daph and Tim, and of course, you!!! Wonderful to hear from you..
Suse xxxxxx
At 8:33 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Good on you - more power to your elbow!!!
Everyone should realise they are only as old as they feel and life is not a dress rehersal.
Hope you have a brilliant time on your travels and look forward to hearing how you're getting on.
Andy & Mandy
At 5:22 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Loved your moment of T.V. fame and the "in these shoes" referance!
You wild woman you!!
Mature disgracefully.....
At 5:46 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Brilliant!! A delightful moment of fame and I loved your cross referance to "in these shoes?!!"
Evidently a fine wild woman determined to mature disgracefully!!
At 5:58 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Well done!!!......This wild woman is destined to mature disgracefully.....(Hmmmm...in these shoes??!!)
At 8:13 am ,
Anonymous said...
Well done...maturing disgracefully is to be applauded...even... "in these shoes?!!"
At 1:02 pm ,
Anonymous said...
At 1:06 pm ,
Anonymous said...
At 1:36 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Ha ha! This bizarre system doesn't let you know if your post has gone through...sorry about the multiple messages!
Keep on bloggin!!
At 3:18 pm ,
susyrosy said...
who you james?
At 8:57 pm ,
Anonymous said...
We exchanged mail online....(WeDate?,YouDate?, Whydate? Who Cares?!!) I Got bored with the whole thing. Left to sail aboard "The Coryvreckan" amongst the Western Isle Of Scotland very soon afterwards.......( last thing I mentioned to you...?)
Anyway....you gave me your blogg addy....and I have dipped into the "Susy Sagas" from time to time ever since. They are so well written and amusing!!
Your rye creativity makes me smile!
Keep it up!!
Hmmmm.... now...must remember..... this will publish with JUST ONE CLICK!!( even though it doesn't appear to be doing anything at this end!!)
At 5:40 pm ,
susyrosy said...
Oh, I remember you - yeah - tell me about your trip .. sounded good.
At 4:45 pm ,
Anonymous said...
At 6:18 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Susy......wrote more on this......but defeated by the system.
It simply refused to upload.......ahhhhh!
Oh well.................( he said philosophically) and quietly slunk off into the distance..................
At 9:19 pm ,
susyrosy said...
James? Is that you? Shouting through the ether? (Pauses for thought) Or is it someone else? Hmm (finger on chin) quite hard to tell really .... Tellya what - why dont you ask the corryvreckan peeps to keep a message there, and when I write to them (as Susyrosy) they can forward it on to me? No personal details here, I think - oh dear, how forward of me - if you don't want to - well hahahahahahahaha - sorry laughing here!!!!
S x
At 8:42 am ,
Anonymous said...
jamesfairfax@talk21.com..........bring on all ye spammers, montebanks , perverts.........oh.........and Susy too.....lol!
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