In the land of the elasticated waistband and mock Crocs
I have at last found the land inhibitions forgot - beaches on T*******e. They all hang out here - tums, tits, bums - acres of reddened, rippling flesh, hanging out and over, basted and roasted, wrinkled and toasted. Skin cancer, anyone?
I could fit in here quite nicely, thank you.
I could fit in here quite nicely, thank you.
At 12:11 pm ,
Raybelles said...
Hi Mummy!
Wondered where you'd got to and now I know - you're elegantly tip-toeing across a scorching beach between wobbling lobstery beached whales in your enormously high heels.
Why the T******e when you say Tenerife in your previous post?
Lots of love XXX
At 3:00 pm ,
susyrosy said...
Cos I forgot I'd put it in earlier - no wonder I'm a candidate for God's hotter 'n hell Waiting Room!
Tee hee!!!
luv muv xxxxxxx
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