susys running away to sea

"The rigors (sic) of an expeditionary lifestyle"

Sunday, August 06, 2006

To The Lighthouse

Unlike V Woolf's lot, I got there - a red and white circular toy of a lighthouse with a conical hat - and climbed up inside, about a dozen rungs, to find there is no light inside.

This was a trail round Cow Head summer peninsula - like walking through Christmastreeland, with the prettiest fungi I have ever seen - like a cluster of harebells, only white, in the dark woods. There were harebells as well. And at the top of Big Hill I looked out to sea, and saw a tug. Hmm. unusual. Then I saw a large rusty barge being towed away from the tug by a small fishing boat, escorted by a couple of open dories. All very dramatic, and rocks all round - a wicked ledge on the outer edge of the breakwater. I had a birdseye view, and the tow was heading for the harbour, so I galloped downhill, past old tumble down buildings and old overgrown veg plots, till I got to the half dozen houses round the harbour. There I saw the barge being manoeuvred alongside the wharf - how beautifully was that done, nudged into place by the dories at the stern.

As I watched, a couple of dogs barked, aaaah, one big, ginger and friendly, the other "bit of a nipper" terrier type, so I asked their owner, Dee Dee what was happening. The barge is to be used to dredge the harbour for bigger fishing boats. DD is a painter, who with her husband has bought one of the small houses on the peninsula, and spends the summer there. She has a sculpture of driftwood and a found sewing machine at her gateway.

On my walk I saw 1 kestrel with prey in claws, and one ?ptarmigan. This was about the size of Serena, with the colouring of Scratchy, but with no wattle or comb.

And for those of you wondering about Serena and Scratchy - they are two of my hens. This bird behaved rather like them, rushing a bit, stopping, not flying off.


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