susys running away to sea

"The rigors (sic) of an expeditionary lifestyle"

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's getting exciting now

I'm off on Thursday for Canada, and today has been spent sorting out the lotions and potions bag for the hold luggage. I've come across some things I haven't seen since I last went sailing with Jack - and I'm now wearing the stone with a hole in it, given to me by Jeanne d'Arc (really!) on Cow Head, Newfoundland. I had it made into a bracelet with a thong in Princeton. A mussel shell, picked when I found some and cooked them, and J wouldn't eat things not from a shop. A feather on leaving Newfoundland for the Bras d'Or Lakes...

J rang the other night. He's currently back in the Bras d'Or Lakes, and will be leaving for Sydney, at the top of NS. We're meeting at the yacht club there.

I can honestly say I've been having the time of my life over the last two years. And it still doesn't show any signs of even slowing down, let alone stopping. Several trips to France, Amsterdam and Marrakesh already this year.


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